A system of Regular Attendance sees each enrolled dog attend recurring 2 or 3 days each week - The same days each week, arriving before 9:30am on an ongoing basis. A regular routine of learning, play and rest means your dog will never be over-stimulated or over-tired at Rockstar Pets or at the end of the day. Missed days can have a big impact on your dog's learning and overall health.
Once in attendance, dogs become part of the Canine Enrichment Program and can also be booked in for Overnight Boarding, year-round, as is needed by the pet parents.
We offer two day programs:
- Puppy Basics is designed for puppies 3.5-6.5 months old (details coming soon)
- Our Daycare Enrichment Program is designed for dogs over 6 months old, but dogs must be spayed or neutered to attend
An important element of our program is Skill Building. We work one-on-one with your dogs on skills that are relevant to the experiences they will part of during enrichment, at home and in the real world. Skill building bridges the understanding of how the dog needs to behave in order to have access to greater freedom (enrichment), and our dogs learn to relate to the dog and the human as a cooperative team.